The world of music is amazingly interconnected, with inspiration flowing everywhere. Up The Junction is an endless journey through that world, winding its way through rock, punk, blues, soul, country and reggae. Every track in every show is linked to the previous one, as well as to the next. The junction could be an artist, a song, a place, or even just a word. Some links are fiendishly clever. Others are, well, not.
This show is presented jointly by Pat Campbell and Nick Richardson, basically because neither trusts the other one to do it by himself. Both are expat poms who came to Australia in the 1980s, so there’s a fair bit of UK stuff in the mix. For Pat and Nick, Up The Junction is a chance to educate each other musically and share the great tunes they’ve collected over the years with BayFM listeners. They also manage to dig out some pretty obscure trivia between the songs.