Learn how to grow and develop a small business and about the wide variety of entrepreneurs, business owners, managers and professionals in the Byron Shire and beyond. Be entertained and informed, plus hear a wide range of great music. Phil Daly, host of ‘Byron Business, People and Lifestyle’, has been living and working in Byron Bay for the past 20 years and is an active member in a range of business and community organisations in the northern rivers region of NSW.
Now in its 19th year, 'Byron Business, People and Lifestyle', originally a 60 minutes business program, called 'Byron Business', is an initiative of Phil Daly and PINNACLE Business Solutions, with an aim to educate and inform our listeners on the benefits of entrepreneurship and owning and running a small or medium sized enterprise (SME).
In November 2018, the Bay-FM Program team increased the on-air time to 2 hours, and as a result the program is now known as, 'Byron Business, People & Lifestyle.'
Phil is the founder and Managing Consultant at PINNACLE Business Solutions. www.pinnaclebusiness.com.au PINNACLE Business Solutions are currently contracted by the Australian Government, from 2019 to 2022, to deliver the Entrepreneurship Facilitator Service between Lennox Head and Tweed Heads. Visit us at, www.buildgrowrun.com.au
Be entertained and informed, plus hear a wide range of great Australian and international contemporary music.
Join Phil as he delivers sound business advice, business leadership tips and fascinating interviews with emerging entrepreneurs, successful small business owners and people enjoying the Byron Bay/Northern Rivers lifestyle. The show wants to explore, talk with and highlight the wide variety of people who live in the Byron Shire and Beyond.
Phil’s relaxed style is highly interactive, entertaining and enjoyable.
The weekly show is set around an eceletic mix of great new and classic music, with a variety of segments...
- Byron Business, People and Lifestyle - radio show introduction and overview,
- Byron Business - News and Views...keeping the listener up to date with business ideas, perspectives and news,
- The weekly interview with a different entrepreneur, business owner or manager, and
- The business leaders tip from the weekly radio program. The tip is available in print form from the 'Resources' section on this web site. You can also subscribe to this tip, see 'Home' page,
- In the second hour, its more about the people and our lifestyle, and will feature segments such as 'Bitesize Business' with Alan Coote & Josh Alex. Byron and beyond...exploring, people, health and wellness, money and lifestyle, and 'live' interviews about these topics.
To listen to past 'Byron Business, People & Lifestyle' interviews and segments, visit https://soundcloud.com/pinnacle-business
If you would like to be a guest, simply email; [email protected] with your contact details and a paragraph about your business.