Audio Chocolate drifts onto the airwaves on a monday afternoon, the theme music for the 2015 winter season "Perfect Night" by Rodg. The music is spacious .. both songs and grooves. Hushed vocalists weaving falsetto melodies over blue sky ambience, indie songwriters with emotional resonance. I appreciate long tracks that take you on a journey, and respect the economy of a well-crafted three minute pop song. Audio Chocolate is in service to the grassroots music scene of the Byron Shire, First Light Country .. interviewing local and ontour musicians and also pioneers from the healing arts and evolutionary frontier. Every now and then there is a song that stands out, and in December the favourites are compiled into the Top 40 of the year. To paraphrase the Greens, there will be no music on a dead planet; so lets keep the renewable and spiritually-evolved economy up and blooming.
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